Land Area: .60 Acres
For Sale
Neighborhood: Alabama, Crenshaw
City: Alabama, Alabama Region 6
Zip/Postal Code: 36049
Country: US
Location: Region 6, South Alabama. Located in the city limits of Luverne, just 21 miles west of Troy, 25 miles east of Greenville, 50 miles south of Montgomery, and 31 miles north of Opp.
Description: Check out this per square foot price of this 1940’s house. It is over 2400 square feet of living space, at just $58 per square foot. It has 4 bedrooms (2 upstairs, 2 down stairs), 3 full baths, (1 upstairs, 2 downstairs), with a dining room, formal living room, family room with built-ins, large utility room, and walk-in closet in the master bedroom. The original hardwood floors have carpet over them, and the family room has new windows, with storm windows over the rest of the original windows. The house is wheel chair accessible with a nice ramp in the back. The house is in good condition with a new metal roof, nice kitchen with a stove and farm sink, double carport with storage rooms, and sits on a .6 acre lot and has an asphalt drive entrance from the street. The house has central heating and cooling, with additional gas heat and window units. It still has the fuse box in the utility room. The house is only a couple of hundred yards from Luverne School. With just a little work, this house could be a great investment or family home. It is located in section 32, township 9 north, range 18 east at latitude 31.7142 longitude -86.2720. Make your appointment today.
Access: 495 W 6th St, Luverne, Alabama 46049
Price: $139,900.00
Contact Information:
Danny Rolling, Butler Land and Timber
334-335-6784 Office
334-429-0055 Cell
***All information in this package is derived from source that are believed to be accurate, but it is the buyer’s responsibility to confirm that the information is accurate and Butler Land and Timber Company does not warrant any of the information in this brochure. Maps are for location purposes only and for more specific boundaries, buyer can obtain a survey.
Additional Fields
- Property Type: RRESIDENTIAL
- Present Use: RESIDENTIAL
- Price per Acre: NA
- Parcel/Tax Id#:: 1209321003002000
- Latitiude: 32.7142
- Longitude: -86.2720
- Zoning: YES
- Terrain: LEVEL
- Street Access: YES
- Road Frontage: YES
- Adjacent Owner: PRIVATE
- Trees: LIGHT
- Present Use: RESIDENTIAL
Property Options
- Has Residence or Home